Fantastic! You’ve finished the teaching exercise. Hope it was fun and that you learned something by the experience.
Now it’s time to take the Pre-certification Test (Pre-cert test) to prove what you know and to give us an opportunity to provide feedback to you to continue to help you become a better tutor and a master of the fundamentals of teaching reading.
The instructions for the pre cert test are on the front of the test. You can download it and start on it right away. When you’re done, scan it or take photos with your phone of each page and send to Or there are instructions for snail mailing it as well, but make sure you make a copy first if you snail mail it. We’ve had a test or two disappear in the mail before and then you’d have to start over.
Click on the link below to download the test. Then you can print it out and get started.
Good luck!Tutorial_10_Pre-cert_test_8-27-12